The weeks after the GP has been crazy and delivered this weekend and played to excess, that it was time (no, I do not mean the LML, I woke up Sunday afternoon in the province of Segovia and special sensations in the brain and belly ...) . Finally, the bottle probably generation (which in theory am a member) not understand me because they are all day to draw blood from bleeding, but for the poor wretches like me these things are worth their weight in gold. So I left the world magiquero very, very abandoned. Now I have a couple of weeks off to catch up with everything. So finally, between yesterday and today I have given with the Tier Legacy Decks.
The month of February was the month of GP Madrid, and the month of January was that of the trials. The large number of tournaments that we analyze the previous month gave us the most reliable information in the face the GP. This month, however, has not been as numerous tournaments and except for some final trials, mostly Italians, we just have the normal every month, bringing the total to "only" twenty tournaments. Using the new system score, I have valued the Grand Prix finalist decks with a round point exceeded, which swells very few results, and you'll see, but yet I feel bad, because the influence of GP is very important and so far this March and we appreciate the impact of this mega event in our tables.
For the typical warnings on nomenclature and classification, in the end I opted for separate decks Counterbalance and Natural Order , which is a very definite archetype of great importance in the format. So consider "Countertop Progenitus" as a category that includes these lists so popular today. The rest of archetypes controleros mainly Supreme Blue, come under the name "Countertop" something in the doldrums lately with the forcefulness with which Progenitus up games. Decks like Lluis Restoy will go separately because I think we all agree here at Factory and The Source . And that talk about "version with Counterbalance" and "version unchecked " makes me sick, like Vial Goblins out " version of Zoo with goblins instead of Tarmogoyf and Gatete "or ANT " version of Belcher with Ad Nauseam ". Without so much desire or time lose, we go with the information.
Tier Decks Legacy - March 2010 [. xls]
Tier Decks Legacy - March 2010 [. pdf]


Classification, nationally, and internationally, with a very important data of the GP in Madrid, we presents a format in which four decks above the rest include: Zoo, Merfolks, Progenitus Countertop and Ad Nauseam.
Zoo takes months to be one of the decks to beat, being possibly the most successful deck format right now, because the combo, her only true nemesis, will never be an option too widespread. Zoo is now one of the bundles that best exemplify what is the current Legacy, which a few years this party has nurtured the Wizards level increase is applied to creatures in their attempt to make the game is more focused in them. Tarmogoyf, Figure of Destiny Pack Wizard Nacatl Qasali and Wild, among others, are all creatures of recent publication dominating a format that is playable most mythical creatures in the game. The numbers speak, Zoo was the most represented deck on day two of the GP. 17% of the players on day two hit with kittens, almost double the pulling Earrings. The fall of the cards Zoo seems I can not close, because the format is too evil to prevent a possible domain of Ad Nauseam, especially the tempo decks, ready to jump to the minimum on combo decks.
Speaking of the King of Rome, unquestionably the Madrid Grand Prix has been the GP of Ad Nauseam, with Zoo keeping at bay as blue decks, surpassing Canadian pressure, expected a lot more metagame aggressive than in Chicago. In fact, a frequent comment during the weekend was that if any would sneak into the top was taking the tournament ... and was about to do so.
As Merfolks somehow the deck was losing in the Grand Prix, the only deck to beat that no representative managed to sneak into the top, even if they were some in the top 32 and out over the third deck represented the second day, we do not know if demographic weight or quality.
Finally we have the Progenitus Countertop, better known as "version of Solidarity with Counterbalance and Progenitus" . These cards are in circulation for over a year, but until this fall have begun to take shape of decks to beat, and for much of the autumn vernao and played much smarter Countertop controleras as Supreme Blue. GP After the deck is presented as one of those chosen to dominate the metagame this spring.
Finally, and continuing as far as possible with the spirit of brevity I see as necessary at 3 am, the two cards that have risen more this month are Reanimator (for obvious reasons) and Dark dephts. Müller's victory has served in part to put Fashionable Entomb , but I think rather it is because as Joel Calafell Pro Players choose Reanimator as the tech deck to loot in Madrid, which has increased prestige of the deck, removing the random deck sanbenitos of children. So far this month are being enough for everyone and no shortage of opportunities to sneak into the top 4 next month. As for Dark Depths, the name fulfills two main lists that I have to wonder if separated for classification purposes, the blue base and more popular, the famous dark green base across the country thanks to our friend Alsan aka " how easy it is to find between 2000 geeks. " We'll see if the deck stands the test of weeks.
Not much to say and willing to lie, is off a server, but first spend a salute to all those I welcomed the blog and especially this section, during the GP of Madrid, thank you very much everybody.
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