logical and natural, on this side of the Atlantic have been infinitely more interested in what happened in late February in Madrid than any other tournament. However, we are gradually leaving behind GP (though not yet, sure to talk more about him) . For this, I find it interesting that we take a SCG eye to Open in Richmond last week, the same weekend as the Grand Prix. 
On the one hand, as it was the weekend of the records say that, relatively speaking, the Richmond Open also set a record, being the Legacy Open the busiest so far made, with 236 participants, with the tournament Legacy largest recall in the U.S., except maybe some GP and GenCon, but I'm not sure and it is difficult to find information. At the end of the day is the first Open of SCG conducted in a focus of U.S. Legacy, particularly in Virginia, which has an important player base and the states of New England at 600-700 km.
On the other hand, the Standard Open surpassed the 500 participants, which seems to augur well for the future of the initiative to emulate StarCity Games Wizards of the Coast. Think of the precedent set by StarCity can be imitated in the future one way or another by other third parties as Wizards constantly reduces tournament schedule while demand does not appear down. The
Coverage by StarCity has nothing to envy Wizards, and possibly better, since it includes live broadcasts and lists the Top 16, plus everything else, like all the pairings and standings, are always welcome. SCG
Open Series - Richmond - Complete Coverage
Top 16 Lists
The metagame is not very surprising, very Progenitus Countertop, many Zoo and, above all, many Merfolks. Do you play much in Madrid? I do not know, but perhaps there were better drivers, but if we rely on data that have been collecting on the top 32 of the GP, Merfolks if any there were, but were not lucky enough to sneak. The big surprise of the day was the same as in Madrid (coincidence?) , Reanimator, which has helped to increase the hype of the deck, especially in the U.S.. And is that many American players tend to underestimate the level of play in Europe, so a deck like Reanimator, but won a tournament of 2227 people in the old continent, it would be a random shuffle. And of course, these achievements have helped trigger the price of Entomb . Thus the top 16 are allocated as follows:
6 / 16 (37.5%) - Merfolks
3 / 16 (18.75%) - Zoo
2 / 16 (12.5%) - Countertop Progenitus
2 / 16 (12.5%) -
Reanimator 3 / 16 (18.5%) - Other (Landstill, Belcher, UW Fish Tempo)
(Incidentally, Landstill with Jace the Mind Sculptor )
seems that on this occasion, instead of crossing the Merfolks with Zoo, as it seems happened in Madrid, were crossed with Ad Nauseam, with few, if any. Still less is played ad nauseam in the U.S. than in Europe, but the boom is not bad Progenitus Countertop breeding ground for fish.
Anyway, what do you think of the results of this tournament? They tend to confirm what we're seeing lately worldwide right?
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