I have delivered on Monday and Tuesday, I held and still is very week. I have spent almost all day turning the business center in Autocad, matching all dimensions and ssuperficies and I'm up the cock, so I wish to unwind and discuss anything on the blog. What degeneration! Writing Entries a blog to "disconnect" (and what comic) . In this cold night in Madrid (hate that spring to crack and take back) I feel like commenting on a letter that lately I'm seeing a lot out there and each time I like, so much so that it can be one of the covered Worldwake, the Calcite Snapper.

The first time I heard of this letter was about a week ago reading an entry one of the most interesting blogs have been created recently, that of Team Two Tier (T2T) (which are beautiful the beginning) . The article in question concerns a UWR Countertop, Supreme Blue style no green and no Goyfs thus taking the idea a step closer to the control. We had already seen such as the list with which "Paquillo" Gutierrez won the GPT Metropolis Madrid.
interesting thing about this Snapper Calcite is its versatility. On one side is an excellent defender, his shroud allowed to remain on board longer than he would like the opponent (ideally lasts forever). Its attributes allow you to block indefinitely creatures as popular as Nacatl , Qasalis , Mongooses or newts number. If only it were a wall would play Wall of Denial, but the grace it is that it can be an excellent attacker, and that can put a land of four, which is not a clock not bad for a creature three controlero cost. In a deck with a lot of land we can consider a pseudo 4 / 4 with veil 1UU ... well, maybe exaggerating, but not bad.
With fetchlands can shoot twice their ability, so we can do fun tricks, mainly to exchange strength and endurance in the turn of another to block anything. The pity is that there is no damage on the stack for the pure barter Morfoide. The letter also has some synergy with Firespout, forcing the opponent to lose more than a bug if you want to do harm, ensuring card advantage. After
view suggested in this article, I have never seen the cards appear at various sites. I think an interesting addition to the blue curve of three to slow agrocontrol decks and control style Vendilion Trinket Mage or Clique. For example, today I was amused by this list of Monoblue (more thing goes Geek) in The Source . Calcite
by Clark Kant
4 Force of Will 4 Counterspell
2 Spell Snare 4 Ancestral Vision
4 Fact or Fiction
4 Propaganda 4 Calcite Snapper
1 Call of the Skybreak
3 Powder Keg 3 Vedalken Shackles
3 Back to Basics
23 Island 1 Academy Ruins
The Propagandas also combine well with the Turtles, they require the tribal decks to pay four mana to start doing damage. You can also get a few Scalding and a Mountain Tarn to include Firespout and generally make changes, like putting Engineered Explosives or replace Ancestral Vision.
I do not know, I think a nice letter, those who call you to make a deck, a card that you see and say, I want to do something with this, and Firespout Vendilion Clique. A really nice letter I went completely unnoticed at the time. And you, have you played any of this turtle your frikidecks?
PD: The competitive deck also valid, that they are still geeks) ?
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