[Report] A great weekend (2) Where we left off yesterday? Ah, yes, I started to write the report and when I realized, had not yet started with the report and it was too late. Sorry to curl, but if we do not wind on talking about this, what are we going to talk? Well, we are, emepcemos with rapid account of what I faced.
Round 1 - Table 276 - Yanick Fernández [CHE] with Pox Depths
Luckily I could PREVENT
HEXMAGE RESOLVE, AND NOT THAT PART VI 20/20 NUNGÚN First We played in a round table that there are no chairs. Although we are not as pigs soon to take a seat to someone, because they had to bring them as well. In the end, as it takes to start the round "only" lose a couple of minutes. My opponent is "suis" but speak proper Castilian and smoothed with a French accent, I guess the name has something to do. Plays a kind of type mononegra Smallpox deck with Dark Depths
The first game is summarized in that a second round low Survi
with that under
Iona fourth turn. As their cards mononegro I have not much to think and named black, with what he thinks and takes 10 seconds, and you can not do anything. The book only Damage includes three mine for fetch.
The second is more sad. Le
espadeo Hypnotic the lowering of the first turn with
Ritual, he shot a Spell Pierce
and start off bugs while discarding strip me and I think I started Tarmo
or FoW
. It floodea and I took a Qasali
a Magician
Nosy (Hexmage Vampire ") and a Loyal Retainers
I steal into the kitchen.
Federer was not very fine and told me he did not play much. Yet it was a very nice and pleasant and played third game by pachangueo, which also resolved in my favor. It proved once again that the extirpated
is a letter that does not affect the table.
2-0 1-0 Round 2 - Table 89 - Manuel Carrasco [ENG] with Bant Countertop My opponent played Bant Countertop and do not know whether he had
Natural Order, but not I think, because I did not see any
Hierarch or Dryad Arbor.
The first is summarized in one hand I'm staying with chicha and without counters.
Trompo me down First and Second
Counterbalance (good!) . Attempt to force down the bugs that I have in hand before being leaked the top to lock me up, but between Daze, FoW and CB I cut it all. With fifteen lives, I have to concede.
The second hand I'm a Qasali, Survi, Krosano, a cantrip and land. I said, good hand, you certainly will not close with Counterbalance as before. Second shift enters Qasali and pleased because I already had an answer to Counterbalance in table and could petarle even a spin. The drop a Tarmogoyf me and I in the third turn a Survival. The advantage was mine, apparently, was under control Counterbalance and stole a bug that would not put the Survival up to drown in card advantage. As there was no point me block your Goyf, we were trading blows I of 3 and 4. The result so you can imagine. No low or Trompo and balances and I do not steal another bug, I filled the hand of land and some Krosano more until I have to block the Tarmogoyf. To steal a bug when I just downloaded the second Tarmo and Rhox, unable to do anything to save the game.
0-2 1-1 After losing this game I get discouraged a bit, because the truth is that my opponent did not let me options. Maybe I could optimize some play, maybe I made some
missplay , but my hands were not helped me a lot to do battle. I take a quick turnaround and confirms to me that people are seeing everything. At that hour there really a collection of defined metagame.
Round 3 - Table 221 - Ana Maria Leal [ENG] with Fatestalker opponent touches me a girl, I think of Cadiz, which has Ubr Fatestalker, a deck that worked very well in the GP, remaining unbeaten two on the first day.
The first part I have many notes, but few counters steals and after some mutual wear quickly enters an Survival looking for a black Iona just giving me the game without much resistance she opposes. I guess that would be trusted and I made that for me was the biggest mistake of the day, Bitterblossom
underestimate by almost did not play Bant Survi against them, and can put the Krosanos, even if the
Trygon , thinking that with the amount of bugs that I have I can keep at bay
Bitterblossom to steal some Qasali. FAIL!
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ KROSANO A BITTERBLOSSOM !!!!!!! The second game down a second Bitterblossom for I have no answer and their lives start to fall one by one. The dynamics are summarized in bug and I fell and hit her from time to time petaba or offset some, so it's always a hit. After several turns and manages to win the extra spinning me a Goyf fairy or something and starts to beat me. Shortly afterwards, and after taking about ten damage with Bitterblossom, comes to accompany their tales a Tombstalker
and go down the toilet.
In the third, silly me, I still think that was bad luck and that he had endured the many shifts Bitterblossom Qasalis with the Trygon and Spell Pierce is sufficient. Lie. I'm double-forcing hand Hierarch and land. I leave her land and Explosives Hierarch of 1
(CRAP!) , I have to counteract. Under the second hierarch and I think I play a cantrip that I do not reveal anything. Other explosives it lowers one and I do not know if I Brainstorm or what, he shot a to prevent petar Daze as lower cost and able to play two the next turn. I well remember what happened but a fairy Bitterblossom shit started, I wanted to play and I do not know what threw a Spellstutter
, with a few tokens into play, so I could not cancel with Swords. I started to hit with an army of fairies and lost again.
At this point I felt like a complete fool he wanted, unconsciously, be punished by armies of fairies. I told myself as I again face one of these, which go beyond the
Krosanos a sack against Bitterblossom, which is the letter that unbalance the confrontation. My opponent played very well, concentrated and without making failures. A shame about his friend, who came to the area of \u200b\u200bthe pairings with the bag open, which led to a very painful removal of cards.
1-2 1-2 Overcoming the first three rounds are like three p.m. past and still had six rounds. I was 1-2, so I had to win six rounds of the tug to go to day 2, which was a rather impossible feat. Was soon anyway, I was enjoying my games and did not want is to drop. I said that I would regret is to drop with two losses, so I decided to wait to lose the third to decide anything. The judges decided not to drop to those who were 0-3, a decision that was applauded by the audience, because three rounds knew very little for many people who had traveled extensively to play that day. Those who came with three byes began to appear, both winners of trials that we all know, as the Pro Players. From this round if you finish early and have something to go see high tables.
Round 4 - Table 359 - Arturo Martin [ESP] with White Stax No I have many memories of the first and second game. A closed me an Armageddon with all in the table (Magus of the Tabernacle
, Prison
, Suppression Field
...) with Mox Diamond in table to pay for maintenance of the Magician: grant! Pierce went in, Krosanos and Trygon, which was very cool. Another
bicherío won it through, but I made the shit to forget to pay a maintenance of the Tabernacle Magus
, which made me a lose two creatures and pull, I keep the Force of Will for their bombs and settlement with Bichet.
The third is the best I have registered. Survival went down and I looked up the Trygon to go for their annoying junk. After lowering me down a
Trygon Kor Haven with which I canceled the expense of tapearse Trygon three lands several shifts. At one point got a
Vendilion I found: Armageddon
2 2
Angel 1 City of Traitors
1 Ancient Tomb
For Trygon strive to protect the saved enough goodies in hand. I took the Armageddon, because I had bad things in table (I think Prison, Supression Field and Crucible of Worlds with Erial) because it could cut the other with Daze (or was Spell Pierce?) And make shift to go and sticking with Trygon petarle the pots
(first the crucible to prevent the lock from Erial and Crucible) and get things moving. Thus, clogging Time to crack the Armageddon he slipped the Daze (Spell "Pierce?). To keep playing pots and things Baneslayer endured too much, I think they did not come down, I do not remember exactly why. My opponent ended his deck and cursing his bad luck, though quite friendly. The truth is that now, won who won was out.
2-1 2-2
With better taste I'll give it a spin and I run into that all had byes that I knew had lost the first and went 3-1. It was proved that day that it is difficult to enter a tournament to take on people who run a 3-0 or 4-0, fully connected and with a winning mentality you arrive relaxed while the street and boring to wait all morning and part of the afternoon.
Round 5 - Table 364 -?? Rodríguez-Ponga [ENG] with Burn I remember very well and my own notes here are slim. In the first game I have only a very initial note says Survival, but it seems that no lives were
Rhox involved. I stayed at 12, so I guess that maybe there was some Iona involved. The second game has no note, but life gains witnessed some action Rhox. The truth is that the pairing is easy, because you have to divide your resources among sparks, removal and creatures, as against Zoo, but you do just throw
Daze and Spell Pierce
the first sparks to buy time to get Goyfs and
Rhox and save
Force of Will for Fireblast
or Price of Progress
2-0 3-2 At this point I feel a little better to see if I can lacquer the result and not feel so defeated. My goal is to win as many games as possible before losing the third. The time between rounds to be extended to nearly a quarter of an hour I come from yummy to go to the Chinese that there are close to the subway and buy something solid to my stomach. I go inside to look around and during the meeting paseillo enough people, among them Rafael Riego, with a smirk absent in the face, we ask you just tell us what that is 5-0 and just beat LSV. Vargas played Enchantress, a choice that surprised me. And Vargas, many others doing what he does.
Round 6 - Table 264 - Mathias Keller [DEU] with Ubr Fatestalker The sixth round I played against a German, I can finally test my skills
Inglés, although the end is that there is little that test, since the type, although the peak does not open properly for almost nothing and gave me the turn by hand, while maintaining a constant poker face. That a English does not come naturally.
The first was won, but I'm not sure what happened. I think it was a typical game against a tempo Survi Bant deck, if you do not put pressure with a Mongoose or Biterblossom
bugs you have more tools to control them. The lives do not tell me much, but I think I won by a mini army of attackers. Possibly there was some Vendilion involved. It also strikes me that this is the round in which revived Kiraso Vendilions and the Loyal Retainers.
The second I lose it little by little, we espadeé a couple of
Tombstalkers and possibly destroyed him some
Biterblossom , but apparently did not steal the final bugs, because I won over nits.
The third is hotly contested and all sorts of things happen. I seem to recall that under some
Explosives on occasion and I cleaned the table. However this time I had learned my lesson and got the
Krosanos , which destroyed all
Biterblossom love in a couple of times while the removal is reserved for Tombstalker
. When we are worn and comes
Survival by Iona
we go. Iona comes to black and hit a couple of times, had a Tombstalker
sing before and turns, but the three chumpbloquear is not saved, so collected.
I take the thorn that had stuck after the previous game. Of course I had on my skin to see that, indeed,
Biterblossom is the letter that you flip to the game. If not fit, your great density of threats has the upper hand. Shake hands after the German was somewhat more friendly and I wish to be a good time in Madrid the rest of the week.
2-1 4-2
liveliest thing I find many people who went 4-2
(many who had lost one-third had Dropped already). it was fun to play to make the submarine, but he knew that at some point soon, it would be so lucky. It was also freaking out to see my pairings and those of my friends, each faced a different thing. Wintern would like Bant Survi 6-0 with his tale and Maradona had to go looking, with his Aggro Loam with Lotus
Cobra. Rafa was 6-0 and most were 5-1 and 4-2.
Round 7 - Table 121 - Gwenael Mocaer [FRA] with Reanimator
IONA MOLA YOU WHEN YOU PLAY, NO OTHER In this round I played with one kind of very smiling and ways half-pro in the way they play, shuffle and others. The first game soon reveals what plays when you pull a Careful Study
Underground Sea ("Ichor?) And pull the cemetery one of the Sphinx
Steel Wind. I start to sweat because the pairing is bad, because your disruption is very weak against the redundancy of your combo pieces. Yet it can throw a counter and that some Vendilion, we ended up with him four in four.
The second I think I got to play Survival, because I get me a
sounds Faerie Macabre in response to exhume
, but their
Brainstorm were more helpful than mine because shortly thereafter, and without knowing too much time is revived a
Sphinx of the Steel Wind and my life down as fast as his rise. Spending the three shifts that I have attempted to find the Sword but do not come. Who would have had a Sower
in this situation.
The third I slipped a blank Iona to cut my Swords. As I had thought Survi go for my Iona, until I realized that theirs would not let me do it. How cool would have been the Sower
or Genesis
+ Rana.
1-2-DROP 4-3
Finally, seeing that it was quite late and I was satisfied to play the Magic on that day, it seemed appropriate dropped, so you can enjoy a feature match, relax a little and catch up with people, I do not know how anyone would. In followed gave the Catalans. Enric informed me that he had set a very billet 0-3 after entering the tournament in fourth round with byes tritranquilos. Had many opportunities to spend a day 2, including raptor, they said, subsequent comments heard from the mouths of some I keep to safeguard the honor of all.
Beginning announce the eighth round feature match between Alex Mateu, who had Fatestalker Canadian and a German. I find it quite interesting and I arrejuntarse sentadico Kramer to view. Then I had the pleasure of meeting also Mines and Mr. Aldo. I spent the rest of the round with Don Mines itemize all played at the hearing and what would and would not, although I learned everything. The games were intense, dominated by the tension in the air. Mateu
ended up winning (being then between unbeaten day 1) , as Biterblossom
Tombstalker and Perish
bench played well in his favor.
During the time between rounds finished topándome a guy who treated fairly at The Source, Skeggi, a Dutchman and after giving me a beer (big
the guy with a bag of cans of Heineken) talked for a while, try to see which Czolk Stefan, another illustrious, he tells me things the Dutch, I point the finger at several Sourcers and after talking from their decks I suggested that we look for a quiet table to play. He wore a red rock with
Firespout and Ajani
Avenger. He was not very good but some
aa other team mate. We won one each and when the end of our second game, the round ends and people start to leave in disarray the venue. Skeggi I say goodbye, he is happy with the great performance of the Dutch, many of them slipping on the second day.
I just meeting with them, hungry and eager to dinner where we can. It is 12 o'clock at night when we go through the door of Convention Hall Country House. "We will dinner somewhere? Well, I do not know, but I think I'll end of having other day what I was doing the rest of the weekend and my impressions to the deck, now I've wasted enough time on the keyboard.