Sunday, August 22, 2010

Infants Snowmobile Helmets

From Sunday

You wake with the sun coming through your window, romantic breakfast in the room with his coffee-toast-zumitos, morning walk along the beach, a vermucito mid-morning swim at the beach with dogs and enjoy making them Kibble, eat a snack mid-afternoon on a beach enjoying with their corresponding paellita salad and beer or tinto de verano, down to the beach after a good nap, walk the beach again enjoying a good evening dinner a terrace and taste the typical dishes of the region around the city buying an ice cream candies in one inherited from father to hij @ s, go back to the apartment / bungalow / hotel / hostel, watching a movie peacefully in a family-size bed and sleep for the next day go on vacation. REAL LIFE

and harsh reality. Sunrise

early because your neighbor is going to the bathroom and you hear the water running (for have no more things), I barely lift a chalice headache of bochornazo you do in Madrid, you prepare a chocolate milk with toast and breakfast watching a zapping program, you wash your face and you take the crumbs bread of the eyes, bone is "gummy" asci you and you dress to go down to walk your dogs with 30 degrees on the street, sit in any grass of the park and you throw the ball four times your dog because the poor and carries the ham slice (language) out of if. You go home and eat some leftovers from the day before you know holy glory as these with a little embarrassing hangover, stay with friends to go to the swimming pool of the village where you find dominguer @ s to blade tip, quiet that you are one of them. Achicharrandote to spend the day with the body to the sun and head to the shade and when you want to look like a shrimp has half done. In the evening you eat an ice cream horny but your friend gets to play with him and begins to batter his ice cream "Hello Kitty" by all these bodies, even in the eye hit. You leave home
arrastradote which slug to your house for dinner, shower, watch something on TV (all this in about two hours) and lie down for 6.30 am in the morning are coming soon. Raw Truth
any dominguer @.

juas xD DISCLAIMER: Seeing that my wife read this post I have seen as negative because I want to tell my wife I live every moment with you is wonderful, that everything I do with you fills me. Sunday pool man, the swimmers and friends pradereras, hahaha. I've tried to say with this post is that although we have no holidays and sunburned from Madriles because they also love you, well no, I love you more for sticking with what you hold, that sometimes the body needs rest and your you hitting this year these super-duper beat and for that I thank you still want to take the plunge pool that you know that I love so much. I LOVE YOU and any place and time to live with you not know me very much. YOU WANT MY

Monday, August 16, 2010

Topographic Survey Specification

update Monday. Hello

Well, we're done. But have blown over. What a move, my mother.
We lasted a week moving furniture and other belongings. And all the move it has made our little Ford Fiesta, the pellet did not know what he could, hahaha.
Boxes, boxes and more boxes. A mess and the amount of things we've thrown away, it seemed that we had the Diogenes syndrome. We had to throw things
old to let in new and good things. And finally are getting to know a neighbor installed and laughing with strange people who live around here. Our dogs
is costing them adapt a little, the poor first day freak out, think they were in a hotel or something.
With the move also came to us ugly, my mother was Malita with a kind of cold that filled the entire face, poor me has been really bad, I've never seen suffering like that, it is strong or less is what it always wants to look and this time has given him a good punch KO that has left at times. Now it works better but still hurts. And I love her so much that I ached to see it my way. And my poor father, his back has not left much rest do not, also had to be bad.
I have spent as a month and a half with a twitch in the eye that looked like the eye of Mister potato all day up and down, and tell my wife .... a morning crossing a zebra crossing gave him a blow a truck ... nothing serious, just a pain in the wrist, which only lasted a few days, and the guy went rogue. Menudo susto gave me when I called the poor over the phone, I was very nervous because of that bastard. And a few little things you better not tell you because otherwise it will seem that radio program where they have their sentences.
What I said in previous posts, we have cast the evil eye or ????....
As much as I try to be positive the prime destination a little more every day shit.

But I love my new life, my new home and will come a new direction for both of us. My wife and I are on the same line but sometimes it gets a little sad ... is willing to cross the pond to see his family and this is very very very slow.
few days ago I returned to talk about the children, I told him that dream seemed a little sparse, distant, but she told me to take seriously what I would say. As we returned to Mexico, we would have to start raising serious about having children and that her mother wanted to meet her grandchildren, because she is afraid to pass the time and the day will come too late. To which I put arrrrrrrrggggggggg face can not be me my Chikitin are changing. All content
wish I had and I have to be mom is becoming reality. Before he could not raise the issue and now she pulls it out. And it makes me immensely happy. Desires that I have also have it that means that we reach.
Well no more I'm bored, I have a day quite rare, it is because even today the sun is not out here. Already running out the summer, good weather, which makes even cold hehe, and now we have just the fruits and vegetables from our garden, tomatoes swelling hear that ....
I said, goodbye to all those who read us. Ahhh that procrastination ........