From Sololegacy want to echo a global movement that is beginning to resonate in all blogs and forums for half the world, I mean, certainly, as we all will know already, the movement "Together we can" . Despite accusations of sectarian behavior that border on the religious, the move only aims to raise that I think is very true.
No, folks, do not leave this page, I know it seems the words of some ex-marine with post traumatic stress upon their return from the hell of Vietnam. I confess that I either took those words very seriously at first. I did not understand the message or meaning, and normal human beings we fear and reject the unknown. However, thanks to some friends, got in touch with people movement "Together we can" and went first to some of its meetings, which soon became later workshops and weekend retreats in the mountains. These individios, I now consider my friends opened my eyes, I spoke about the virtues of soap, shampoo and deodorant (I confess that for my education, at first I was a little embarrassed to use it) .
convinced I am now a practitioner and I am obliged to spread the message around the world, bringing the word to all my friends. And with this blog, I realized I had a large audience of potential believers to a single lighting showered. I know it's crazy, but I assure you, brothers
My life before was hell. I was always a lonely girl, without work or studies. There was really nothing in life that motivate me, I said life was not for me, I could not enjoy it. I never had friends, much less a boyfriend. One day, I decided I should end it all and prepared to throw me to the train tracks. Then came my angel, a kind man with a strange smell unknown weeks later I knew it was a colony. This man picked me up at home and taught me the benefits of showering more than once a month. Shortly after my life changed, I began to make friends and succeed among men, I had never had a boyfriend. I took the right career and now he combines advocacy with a budding career in the fashion world. At last I am happy.
still remember with sadness the time living in the streets, including cartons, spend the few coins that I earned begging on wine and hashish bully. They were hard times, no money, no family, hearing voices in my head and constantly drunk. Extreme violence was the only way to escape from it all. One day after a Chinese dock with a broken bottle, ended up in prison, which was a blessing, because I met movement people "Together we can" . Thanks to shampoo and deodorant everyday changed my life, I left the prison and through a rehabilitation program cleaner went to work in a large multinational. He ascended to enter the board was only a matter of time, because the warm water coming out of my shower.
As you see, hygiene can change your life. I know some of you will keep escétpicos to these testimonies and convince you to finish, I propose a deal. Next Saturday, if you attend the Grand Prix of Madrid, you can shower and use deodorant. You see how your life turns 180 degree turn, make day 2 and who knows, maybe even top 8. Come on, open your window and shout it from the rooftops:
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