Eldrazi Really Rise of the Eldrazi is so bad? Using Camstudio Hello, how about running the world? The truth is that Easter was to return to Madrid and fall the fuck up suddenly, with a surprise delivery overnight, and so forth. So, I installed on my happy from the outside world again, away from the TV, finding out about disasters and misfortunes of the two or three days, enjoying the sunny day but so rich that bathes the kids at my school. I have a couple of days trying to write an entry on Rise of the Eldrazi, mostly to update this thing, that I have quite abandoned, sometimes for not having time, but sometimes out of sheer laziness. Spoilers season has finally caught some pace and now we are seeing more cards daily. As anyone who is not emulating MTG Salvation
, I recommend that site to track
spoilers (the only thing worth mentioning from that page, on the other side).
It is difficult to judge the power of an expansion, because the letters that are not obvious, and in its day was the
Ponder or Ad Nauseam
, you can not judge until you see in the game, and often something that seems pure Chust, or just questionable, it can be playable. Worldwake seemed a waste and ultimately has given us the
Jace, Sculptor the Mind, which is possibly the most powerful card from Shards of Alara Legacy with Nacatl
Ad Nauseam. Seems to play a blue deck and controlero without Jace does not make sense today, because it's stupid not to take advantage of its power to control the game. Similarly, the Stoneforge
Mystic has a lot of talk lately to prove "not bad" Legacy as it seemed. On those occasions when you find yourself always typical of you remember what I told you so "but in all honesty no one matches in all its provisions, it is impossible.

Eldrazi The mechanics is not intended for our format, but are still very impressive pine stimulate our wickedness, especially with the huge pool at our disposal. I've been trying to play Eldrazis lists to its cost, but I think that things take out of this style, mana ramp strategies have never had much success in the format, because they play lots of cards suboptimal and high costs can stay indefinitely in hand before opponent's disruption. The only competitive strategy that generates half mana is absurdly Survival Elves (or any deck with elves), and does not always include silver bullets in which to invest our aberrant mana. Another option would be to invest mana
Metalurg (the only letters that appear desprohibidas not see much sunlight) . It seems difficult to lower them at cost and eats people head to put them in a dishonest game. I recommend reading the article
who wrote for
Prismagic Wintern on the subject. The first lists I've seen out there seem to believe in
Sneak Attack and the Kozilek east, to attack and once you leave the game half won. Can it be this competitive? I do not know, time will tell, but I do not. Notwithstanding the above, we have seen and strategies such as Dream Halls surprise everyone
(Ad Nauseam there's not going to play in life) and even Reanimator in Madrid proved to be more powerful than we all thought really
( But is not left with a Tormod's?) and that is what this format, some may be dry shit and six months into tier.

To me this seems very nice letter, with a great design and with some very interesting skills. His first ability can serve to protect us from attack permanently or to make way for our final attack. If we can use blocking large to force the opponent to attack smaller creatures or creatures like Dark Confidant
, they are there for other purposes. With six loyalty counters, to activate your first skill sets in eight counters, so you can eat an attack on a Tarmogoyf and then destroy it with his second skill. His second ability is really good. I think if the opponent has an advantage in the table, it is very easy for your creatures are turned in order to end our lives, which is the goal in this game, so it is very easy as you enter then bang, goodbye to your Tarmogoyf. And it hits zero six prevent all the damage he would do so if the opponent has a creature with resistance less than six, we spend six charges or damages. I find it very powerful going on stage, petar a Tarmogoyf and if we we're playing blockers, removal and various tricks are not as vulnerable. In the worst cases cCharge a bug and eats an attack, but hey, the Planeswalkers are not intended to stop them alone an army. What's wrong with this letter? Clearly the worst thing is its cost five. The menu is balanced, because it comes with six meters, but
my God, what is five in Legacy? ... The Force of Will
, Free to play, the Ad Nauseam
, play with rituals that are sagging because y. ..
Baneslayer "Angel? five cost is prohibitive in Legacy. In fact, as we have repeated ad nauseam, even the cost four and has a very high level of demand, and include cards that can turn a game, as Elspeth
Natural Order. Although it is true that we said that the new Jace, possibly implying that it was not so bad, then prove to be as powerful or more than Elspeth. Anyway we must be realistic and cost five of Gideon is VERY
high but could become a planeswalker
Elspeth support or Jace, as has been
Ajani Avenger. "Next Level Planeswalker Control?

This letter included only the combo because it smells and there are people out there trying to break out somewhere. When out letters like this I remember how much I mola Legacy, by the huge pool of cards that has forgotten about, or because a letter now published may be unplayable, but in four years I will take what is that rope with it.
"Swing Guard? : P

The only card with the ability to level up that seems half playable. As we said at the time, so the ability is playable in Legacy, should be in the form of letters similar to Figure of Destiny
, with a cost and level to play them. This guy can lose first round and if we have nothing to bend the second, as we have a 3 / 3 with first strike. What if you throw a lightning break your tempo? Obviously, I do not think we're going to Level a sack, as we usually do not raise the figure to sack, but when we got off bugs and mana to spare and nothing to do. The trouble is we can not leave mana open for possible combat tricks and then in the clean up the opponent's level, but I still think that even at sorcery speed, we leave open that mana, while we pay in installments payable in installments . I is that each Once I remember the last LEL, when we are playing against both the Zoo and my opponent topdeck two figures with nine steals mana in table ... I think this guy has a future, the worst thing is that asking too much white mana, so in three color decks and stuff, say goodbye. And, what deck you can see this game?
Wall white flowers, which is a much more controlero color. Today that letter is in use, in part because the decks that used to play this type of letter, Roll The Rock, are more aggressive today. I personally very much the
Perimeter molan Captain , but there are many people that this new wall has molado.
of the blue cards, nothing gets me too. There are two other well tell, at least the same level as the previous ... I'm not sure though. The only letter I Will Unified
mola . Menuda

illustration, eh? I love it because it is another one of those letters in which the illustration is totally suffocated by the Photoshop and how much people like them, but have no personality whatsoever. Bridging the gap, is somewhat baroque composition and the dark, to Caravaggio.

One of the best cards of the year, is enjoying a lot of people. This species the bastard son of Enforcement
and confiscate
Thoughts have enough quality. Can it replace any of the above cards in a deck? Well, what relevant cards are played at Legacy cost over three? Above all,
Willpower, Ad Nauseam
Natural Order and Planeswalkers. This rules out the cards and combo, they need to clear the way of willpower for their pumps. These decks usually play Confiscate Coercion thoughts, because what matters are the counter-and Counterbalance
and these two lives are less cards you can reveal with Ad Nauseam. However, in other decks, such as Team America, Eva Green, removing a Willpower is not as important as clean hands ponteciales opponent's threats as a Tarmogoyf or a counterweight. Additionally, this type of cards, the loss of life that produces Thoughtseize can be relevant if we add to that produced by fetchlands, Willpower or
Hide . What has to hurt is to throw one of these and see your opponent's hand in a Natural Order or Jace. However, this letter may be discarded as a second supplement to the letters above. I'm sure it will end up playing in one way or another.

The famous Tuk Tuk, a fairly majete goblin that can be played in decks of ghosts or not. In Goblins of the Legacy Highway as it works, does not seem to make much sense, or at least much hollow, because the deck is designed to be a motor, with their tutors, their card advantage and resources. It is a letter that sounds like Mogg War Marshal
, which buys time against decks like Zoo blockers filling the table. In this case, the blocker gets a 5 / 5 in the table, so that can also serve to slow the opponent, and the time never hurts to goblin decks, in the long run you the bundle. The letter is legendary, and the token, so that we can not abuse it too. I do not know, is a letter that can be used in other goblin deck. It is also a decent card in Dragon Stompy, can fill that void that was sometimes filled with badly
Taurean Mauler.

This letter really is fun. One more card to save there in the drawer of memories to take out something cool to Imperial Recruiter
that has to do with creatures of little strength.
"When this comes into play, search your library for a creature of power 1 or less and put it into play" . Yeah, yeah, yeah, shit, I know ... But the laughter that we will take the day I got that.

Well, as we move forward we grow geeks. This letter may come to find your site I know not where, to be instantaneous, but unfortunately I have no damage on the stack to sacrifice our Tarmogoyf in response to a double deadlock or something. Anyway we already have in the making the new deck to beat,
momentous Dreadnought.

This card also has a very nice art. For three mana you card advantage as
Gifts undelivered land. I have no very clear what use can be given to this letter, as opposed to the gifts themselves, or intuition, does not give you access to Life from the Loam, which is the malicious letter you want to play when looking for cards with wicked skills and put them in the cemetery. Decks of land in blue, type 43 or Eternal Lands Garden can give us access to two lands for the same cost as the Intuition, but could not get us a stack of, for example,
Ruins and Explosives
. Why the comment? Well, mostly because I heard my friend say Alsan is a pretty good card and that we were going to swallow our words on it.
Eldrazi Rise of the painting has a strange, very clear with few cards, do not really know what they want to do with the issue, which seems limited meat. Surely there is something to scratch, there's always something, and possibly be something that we have repaired, as always, because is easier to play the lottery than the spoilers.
BonusTrack: As you know most, like casting MTG Salvation few false tesxtos of atmosphere and then know where they copied and consulted to check what they are and how much information is disseminated. Often put lyrics and out of curiosity, sometimes, get into Google to see what happens. Apparently this will be the new flavor text
the reissue of the almighty search
Gloria. WTF?